Directosys , Bangalore , Karnataka , India

SCM Database

Welcome to Directosys Supply Chain database: India’s most accurate and updated data source on supply chain management.

Our supply chain data base are categorized based on Location, Suppliers , Products/ Service type, commodities, Manufacturing facilities ,Turn over ,Directosys Rating, Financial stability ,Management Strength, Labor Relation record and Customers base etc.

We are providing other data based on clients request.

Customers can make combination of country, location and commodities/products based on their requirement. This will help them to get suppliers and products data closer to customers’ location and best of their use.

Table: Example

Country Location Commodities Customers Base Supplier Type Directosys Rating       (0-5) Management Type …XYZ…..………….
India Bangalore Electromechanical Parts Automotive Small 4  Pvt. Ltd.  …..
India Pune Non Ferrous Casting Heavy Industries Medium 5 Proprietorship  …..
India Mumbai Cold Forging Engineering Industries Large 2 Partnership  ……
India Delhi Precision Parts Automotive Medium 3 Pvt.Ltd.  ….
India Kolkata Electronics Aerospace Medium 4 Proprietorship  …..
Germany Frankfurt Powder Metallurgy Automotive Large 5 Pvt. Ltd.  …..
USA Los Angeles Electronics Telecom Medium 5 Pvt. Ltd.  ….
China Shangahi Electrical Automation Large 4 Pvt. Ltd.  …..
Japan Tokyo Precision Parts Consumer Goods Medium 5 Pvt. Ltd.  ….
Canada Thompson Precision Parts Aerospace Large 5 Pvt. Ltd.  ……
UK Bristol Precision Plastic Medical Equipment Large 4 Pvt. Ltd.  …..


Directosys ratings are based on Operational, Technical, Legal and commercials ratings made by our experts after close assessment and comparison with international standards.

For SCM database, clients can contact us on or call us on below numbers.

Mob: 91-8884563769 /9741351526

eSCM:  We are launching e-magazine very soon with innovation and development happening in the area of sourcing, purchase, logistics and supply chain management. This will help our readers to make better decision on daily professional life.